Monday, May 30, 2005

Tenkyu Papap

Setelah lebih dari sebulan cuma mendekam di Honjo karena Papap Hikari ketimbunan assignment dari Senseinya, tiba-tiba Jumat malam kemarin Papap ngajakin jalan-jalan hari Sabtunya.

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Papap berkutat sama kompienya. Mami gak kebagian duong.

Pegel juga kelamaan di Honjo gak keluar-keluar. Rencananya mau ketemuan sama temen juga tapi gagal. Berangkat pagi-pagi dari apato naik sepeda ke kampus Waseda Honjo karena takut pulang kemaleman trus gak dapet bis (ah, ini sih alasan si babe aje). Padahal kita bawa stroller juga! Tetep si babe keukeuh mau naek sepeda. Jadi yang ada, aku ngebonceng Hikari (berat buanget!!!) n Papap naek sepeda sambil bawa stroller. Untung strollernya ada tali untuk dipasang di punggung kita kayak ransel. Jadi babe Hikari genjot sepeda sambil menggendong stroller seberat 4 kilo di punggungnya... Tadinya mau aku potret cuman gak sempet. Gelo juga. Padahal di Jakarta, kita bawaannya tinggal ngelempar semua perlengkapan ke bagasi mobil:(

Akhirnya dengan persiapan yang serba mepet, kita pergi juga ke Tokyo dengan tujuan Ueno naik bis fasilitas kampus. Memang tujuannya cuma mau keluar Honjo jadi gak gitu rencanain mau kemana-mana. Lagipula si Hikari udah lama minta maen komidi puter. Jadi begitu turun dari bis kampus, kita langsung naek kereta tujuan Ueno. Puas deh Hikari main di Ueno park.

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Tapi kita gak masuk ke Ueno zoo (yang satu area sama Ueno park) karena memang waktunya mepet. Kalau mo kliling-liling Ueno zoo harus minimal seharian penuh. Padahal pulangnya kita harus kejar bis kampus ke Honjo jam 5:30 sore padahal sampe di Tokyo baru jam 1 siang. Jadi, yang tadinya pengen juga ke Kinokuniya, Ameyoko, Akihabara dll dsb terpaksa ditunda (mana mungkiiiinnnnn). Setelah liat Ari puas main, kita balik lagi ke kampus ke tempat bis kampus tadi mangkal.

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Masih ada 15 menit sebelum bis berangkat jadi Hikari sempet maen-maen di pelataran parkir kampus. Sempet juga dia pose di depan mobil yang pasti bukan mobil kita karena 1) kita di Jepang 2) kita gak punya mobil 3) kita gak mungkin mau punya mobil berwarna biru anak gaul gitu... hehehehe...

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Sampe di Honjo jam 7:30 malem. Laper, capek jalan n capek genjot sepeda, n laper lagi. Pokoke laper. Tadinya mau mampir ke resto tp badan udah pegel jadi pilih langsung pulang aja. Eh, sampe di rumah, si babe bilang mau bikinin kita nasi goreng!!!!! I love you!!!

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Kata Ari: "Oishiiii!!!!!!" Enak buanget, Pap! Tenkyu and we love you! Hikari makan lahap bener.

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Wah, what a treat you gave us today! Thanks a bunch, hon!

Friday, May 27, 2005

I Love School

I'm not sure why I love school, although the feeling is not always mutual. Or in my case, the feeling is most of the time absolutely never mutual ;p And it's strange that I love school because I was never a 'cum-laude' student, was not a straight-A student for most of the subjects I took, and abso-bloody-lutely not a teacher's pet (it would be too unbearable for them). May be it's because here my husband is going to school and my son is about too that makes me feel kinda... well... I miss being in school again. I miss the routine, miss feeling bored in class, feeling exhausted from studying textbooks just the night before a test, I miss feeling that homework is useless. I miss the time when I didn't get what I was supposed to learn, or when my mind was wandering because I couldn't figure out what my lecturer was talking about, or when my brain told me I was wasting time sitting in class while I could just read everything from books, or when I could hear myself saying, "C'me on, we know this, so what's new?", or when I looked around the class and found out that I was the only one who was at lost and actually looked stupid... Oh, I miss them all, although, again, most of the time I became the only not-so-bright student... hehehe...
So, for a few days, I've been listing down why I really do love school despite the facts that I was never a favorite student in terms of attitude and marks :) It's really weird because as far as I can remember, I never had a clean sheet in my school years! (Let me just tell you what, and if you decide they're too boring, you can skip them and move to other blogs!)
First> When I was in kindergarten, I smacked a boy with a chair because he hit me on the eye with a wooden apple (I can still remember the thing!) without a reason. I still danced for the National Children Day Ceremony, though...
Second> When I was in elementary school, I think everyone liked me. Why? Hmm... let me guess... may be because I was the best student for 6 years, the chairwoman for 6 consecutive years, the leader of girl scout for... as long as I can remember, and.. perhaps, because I got number 3 in a Kartini-look-a-like contest?!? (If you've seen her picture, I'm sure you're convinced it was NOT a beauty contest... with all do respect to the very intelligent heroine).
Third> When I was in junior high, my friend sitting next to me was expelled from class for chatting. I got expelled too, because it happened that it was me whom my friend was chatting to. I was totally innocent for I didn't start or even engage in the conversation. But, I was actually glad I was out of the class since both the teacher and the subject were boring!
Fourth> My school record in senior high was worse. In the first grade, I was expelled again because -again- my friend was talking to me when the teacher was explaining. The punishment took no longer than 5 minutes, though, because the teacher found out the two of us were happier outside the class, than inside... Then, in my second grade, despite my score was the highest in class for subject A, the teacher chose another student to represent the school for a try out test because she thought I looked... irresponsibly indifferent! Huahahaha... Next, in the third grade, the teacher made my mom come to school. Why? She accused me for something I didn't do. The story went like this: I wrote "King of Lazybone" on a chair wreck. That thing was on my desk when I wrote it. Suddenly, didn't know how somebody put that thing on my teacher's desk... Get the idea now? She asked the whole class who wrote it. I told her I did it, but I also told her it wasn't meant for anyone and I didn't put it on her desk. She didn't want to listen and told my mom to come to school. My mom -who is always the bravest-most honest woman in the world- stood for me! Way to go, Mom!!!
Fifth> My university years. I was never expelled from class again now. I took two majors back then. In major A's classes I couldn't skip classes because the class was small and the teachers -I still believe- were war veterans! To make up for my stressful classes, I skipped an awful lot of time in other no-so-important subjects and educated myself in the canteen instead ;p In major B's classes I never skipped classes. My friends could always find me half asleep in classes, though. (Now, that I'm telling you all about this, I can see why I never had straight As for most of the time...) Why didn't I just skip the classes? The lecturers were fond of calling their students one by one! Imagine that!
One thing I know about my being a student: I NEVER cheated! Not from books, papers, or friends. Never! Once in senior high, my friend actually insisted on giving me a math answer in a test because he thought my math scores were horrible... Hahahahahaaa... Bless him!
So, you see, I never was a good student. Then, how come I still love and miss school? (And the weirdest thing, though I was never a good student, I think I am a fine a teacher since most of my students like me, even the naughty ones! Hehe... how do I know this? They wrote me lovely cards, letters, emails even when they are not my students anymore. Once they threw a birthday party for me! I guess, bad student makes fine teacher, eh? Na-ah. Don't quote it from me!)
Well, what's the conclusion? May be I love school because they are made of people, and people are interesting. They make you sad, make you happy, make you believe you're stupid while you're not, or make you think you're genius while most of the time somebody else is actually more genius! What am I saying? Sorry, guys, I wish I knew. May be it's being in school for 16-18 something years in life can not be forgotten just like that...
Do you love school?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Blog Fam - Lupain Blog Sendiri

Gw barusan jadi anggota baru Blogfam. Seneng buanget. Habis itu puter-puter klik sana sini singgah sana sini ngeliat blog orang. Wuiiihhhhhhh kueren-kueren buanget! Jadi lupa sama blog sendiri hihihi.....Pada kreatif yak orang-orang ini. Saking senengnya kliling-liling di Blogfam, gw sampe nge-post komen banyak bener. Pas nyadar, baru liat, kenapa jadi gw melulu yg komen di tiap topik...... hehehehe.......... jadi malu...
Pengennya sih keliling-liling ini biar dapet inspirasi nulis lagi di blog sendiri. Ternyata... gak juga tuh!!! Ternyata lagi, mungkin penyakit bosen gw belom sembuh. Sekarang ini gw lagi bosen sama bahasa asing. Capek kali je. Mangkanye, gw brani-braniin deh posting pake bahasa gak beres begini. Btw, kenapa ya kok kalo bahasa sendiri gak bisa dipake secara baik dan benar????
Hikari juga kayaknya 'keblinger' sama campur aduk bahasanya. Babenya ber-Betawi ria kalo ngomong sama dia (ini dng catatan kalo gak kepergok sama maminya). Kalo pas lagi dalam jarak pendengaran mami, Babe dan Hikari berbahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Mom dan Hikari berbahasa Indonesia yang benar selalu............ maksupnya, lebih benar dari yg gw bisa tulis disini gitu: Pakai TIDAK instead of KAGAK (and here I'm thinking, "Where's the fun of it?"). Kadang-kadang pakai bahasa Inggris supaya dia gak melongo kalo pas lagi ketemu temen-temen Babe and Mami (hehe... panggilan yg ini emang hiperbola). Tapi bahasa Inggrisnya Hikari cuma kepake pas lagi identifying animals. Ari like banget sama animals (ini bahasanya dia kalo lagi lihat buku-buku binatangnya... gak papa deh masih compang-camping gitu. Yang penting strukturnya sudah benar... hehe ngeles). Trus tiap pagi and sore Hikari senang nonton program anak-anak Cokoran-chan. Belom lagi program-progam laen dengan bahasa Jepangnya. Alhasil, setelah sukses bikin dia cerewet berbahasa Indonesia dengan benar sampai umur 2 tahun 10 bulan ini, tiba-tiba gw n babenya terkejut-kejut ngedengerin dia ngomong 'blebeb-blubub'. Meaning? Tiba-tiba Hikari menciptakan vocab sendiri. Dia bisa bilang, "Ma, Ari mau krungtung." Kalau diminta untuk ngejelasin artinya, dia insist dengan vocab barunya. Duuuhhhh..... pgimane ini. Kblinger bener! Seperti gw yg kblinger tiap belanja makanan karena capek ngeliatin ingredients makanan-makanan itu. Seperti kmaren waktu lagi pengennnn banget makan somay. Gw liat ada somay udang, langsung gw ambil. Kalo orang laen, inspeksi barang buat liat harga, kalo gw buat baca ingredientsnya. (karena kan I don't number! Gw liat harga juga gak bakal keinget lagi nantinya) Setelah capek-capek baca kanji-kanji itu, begitu sampe di ingredient paling bawah, ternyata kanjinya babi. Ampun!
Belom lagi, pas kita mau ganti susunya Hikari karena susu stoknya dari Jakarta yang 15 kaleng 900 gram itu udah mau habis, tiap kaleng diliatin. Akhirnya kita putusin ambil satu merek. Bukan karena yang itu paling bagus. Tapi karena cuma kaleng itu yang kebaca buat umur brapa huaaaaaaaaaaa......... Sampe dirumah, kerjaan blom selesai karena musti menerjemahkan dulu bgimana cara takarnya. Ya ampun, ini butuh seminggu dan belom selesai semua diterjemahin!!! Yg penting kita tau lah satu sendok berapa mili airnya. Yang nyebelin, ternyata Hikari gak doyan.............. Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. Jadi, keluarlah naga gw: pake muka kenceng sok digalak-galakin, "Hikari, kalau gak mau minum ini, gak usah minum susu aja ya!?!" Nah, jadilah dia memble seharian, seperti yang diperagakan model dibawah ini...

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Be grateful

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Barb sent me this picture. F-U-N-N-Y! It gives me a slap on the face whenever I feel like chewing too much. Whatever we are in the world, we must belong to those people who are lucky enough to have more than many others, especially since you read my post in the net which means you can afford to buy or rent a computer, and an internet connection...

Tambah Mumet

Bosen blom hilang sekarang tambah mumet. Apa pasal? Temens gw yang pada (berasa hehe) demen nanya "Masak apa hari ini?", semua protes..tes..tess... Kata mereka, pertanyaan itu kan tanda cinta dan perhatian. Iya deeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh.......... tapi gak tiap kali dong? Gak juga ke gw dong? You know kan kalo I was NOT born a cook!!!! My cooking record itu baru dimulai tanggal 22 Januari 2005. Satu hari setelah gw menginjakkan kaki di Jepun!?! So again, Please Dech Ah! I love you juga loh. I love you guys even bigger when you don't ask me that question! Please? Please???? Lagian, hari ini gw gak masak...

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Friday, May 20, 2005

Call It What You Want

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"Dear, if you're gonna pad your bra with Kleenex, take them out of the box first."


source: from a friend

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Aku lagi bosen ngeliat blog ku sendiri.
Diputer-puter, klik sana klik sini, liat dari samping kiri samping kanan, atas bawah... Ufff........... bosen. Bosen ngetik, bosen nulis, bosen blog walking (hehe istilah ini baru dikuasai), bosen inovasi ini itu, bosen sign in, bosen pake bahasa londo en bahasa jepun, pokoke bosen. Padahal masih banyak tulisan yang harus diedit, masih banyak 'suara-suara' di kepala yang belom di tuangkan ke tulisan (kalo yg ini emang rada-rada skizo sih). Jadi mikir, masa' sih bisa bosen sama blog sendiri??? Ini kan sama dengan tampang ku sendiri (is it?). Trus jadi mikir lagi, pernah gak ya aku ...hmm... gw (ternyata gak cocok kalo gw ber-aku-aku... Maap bukan maksud gak sopan. Kalau tidak berkenan, bayangin aja kata 'gw' berubah menjadi 'aku'. Good luck) oks lanjut.. trus gw jadi mikir lagi, pernah gak ya gw bosen sama muke.. eh salah... muka gw sendiri. --mikir--mikir-- Kayaknya sering juga;b Ya, gw sering bosen liat muka gw sendiri. Apalagi kalo lagi banyak jerawat. Mau gw bedakin pake lumpur cap gomeh juga gak bakalan keliatan spt Nicole Kidman (wakakak... mimpi kali je). Belom lagi sama rambut... Ngomong-ngomong soal rambut, udah waktunya nih gw cukur sebenernya. Tapi karena masih trauma sama kejadian potong rambut yg terakhir... kayaknya gw mau panjangin aja nih. Oh iya, kalo soal rambut gw memang sering banget bosen sama tampangnya. Gak tau kenapa, hairdo is my mood killer or mood booster. Gw denger tiap orang punya mood killer and mood boosternya masing-masing. Ada yang kalo gak pake parfum, trus bete seharian. Gak pake dasi kesayangan trus berasa gak kece semingguan (seminggu? Iya kan betenya kerasa sampe seminggu). Bayangin, gimana betenya orang kalo gak pake baju... Pokoke, rambut gw ini bener-bener pemicu mood hari itu. In case you don't know (krn emang gak penting sih) gw belom nemuin hairstylist yang bisa memuaskan my craving for a good hairdo -good, by my definition- di dua negara... hehehe. Dulu waktu jamannya film Sweet November (Keanu Reeves dong, maen sama Charlize Theron) lagi diputer, abis nonton film itu gw niat mau potong rambut. Kebetulan salonnya satu gedung mall dengan bioskopnya. Sebelum dipotong, gw sempet ngobrol-ngobrol dengan si hairstylist ini. Ternyata dia juga pecinta Keanu dan seneng banget sama film Sweet November itu. Jadilah gw bilang, "bisa gak rambut ku dipotong spt si Charlize?" Dan dijawab "BISA".... Aaaaaaaaaaahhh asyikkkk.... TERNYATA sodara-sodara, setelah selesai dipotong, I didn't look like Charlize Theron at all!!! Na-ah! I looked just like... ( goes my confession) Hillary Swank di Boys Don't Cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (masih kebayang si T and A ketawa ngikik-ngikik di kantor). Gw keramas tiap hari biar rambut cepet panjang:(( Itu cuma salah satu contoh kejadian yg bikin gw ilfil (spell?) sama hairstylist. Gw juga pernah bosen sama badan gw yang gak nambah-nambah gede, sama hidung yang gak bisa mancung walopun udah dijepit pake jepit jemuran, sama kulit yang gak putih-putih segimana seringnya gw pergi ke tukang gosok badan alias tukang lulur... wah kalo ngomongin ini sih gak abis-abis. Paling gak, gw belom pernah bosen sama kuping gw (--mikir...??), sama nyengirnya Hikari, dan Insya Allah gak bakal bosen sama si E_ _ honey dan Keanu Reeves darling(heheheheheheheeee... hare gene...). Gw juga lagi bosen ngimel, bosen chatting karena tiap kali chatting kata pembuka dari temen-temen gw paling-paling "Masak apa hari ini?".... Please deh!!!. I love you guys, really. But the same question everyday? Give me a break!!

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picture from Corbis

Tapi kalo dipikir-pikir lagi, sebenernya rasa bosen itu anugrah loh. Maksud gw, tanpa rasa bosen pasti gak kepikir rasa bersyukur, gak ada inovasi, gak bisa kreatif dll dsb. Trus gimana dong ngusir rasa bosen or paling gak, membuatnya menjadi bosen positif? (nah lo!) YOU TELL ME! Kalo tau, gw gak bakal posting tulisan yg mboten-mboten bgene! N satu lagi, gw bosen nulis di blog trus elu-elu yg pada mampir gak pada kasih komennnnnnnnnnnn..................... bosen!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Cry for Help

Sitting in front of the computer
Looking at my blog
Not feeling satisfied enough
Gotta change the color
No, the accessories
Or the decorations?
Na-ah, may be just the color
May be with some nice details
and others
and some others
Browsing the net for ideas
Wondering what to do
how to improve
my blog.
Looking around
Searching for some help
Seeing Hikari
Nope, that won't do.
Observing my hubby
With that mark on his forehead
read "Don't disturb!"
and Sensei's image
painted on the face
Thanks, but no thanks

Careful with wishes

careful with what you're wishing for. In this case, what I AM wishing for hehehheeee :)

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source? from a friend.

Monday, May 09, 2005


Exactly what I do here... from cooking recipes to medicines ;p

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source? from a friend

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother Day

"Late home
No time to phone and
Creeping up the stairs
A light clicks off
A small cough
A sigh and then another
Who is it who cares?
Whose sleepless nightmares?
Who? It's Mother."
-Yolande Young-

This Mother Day is my second Mother Day! How I'm blessed with the chance to experience it. Alhamdulillah. Being a mother is much a blessing that I can't imagine. After all the mistakes that I've done, still I'm blessed. Being a mother means two things to me: ONE= it shows me the world from so many different angles that perhaps I wouldn't have been able to discover without Hikari. 20 something years ago before he was born, these things were unimaginable to me! Things like how to be unselfish, to smile sincerely, to see beauties in every little thing, to appreciate simple abilities, to love sincerely beyond all the mess that a kid can possible do! And many other things! No matter how incredibly silly I am as a mother, he loves me for who I am...
And TWO= it teaches me the life from my mother's eyes. Her happiness, her sadness, her disappointment, her life. It makes me see through my ego, about all the things I have done and said to her. Things that make her disappointed, that make her proud, that make her sad, that make her cry, or laugh, or go crazy... Oh, yea, I'm sure I've done things that make my mother go crazy, whatever it is, no matter how tough she is. Still, she loves me. For who I am. Her daughter...

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Thank You, God, for making me a mother. Thank You too for giving me My Mother.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Sorry Guys

In the last couple of weeks, I've become rather unproductive here. Don't know why. Just having those moody feelings about writing. Can't find something interesting, and can't interest me with anything. I've tried spending hours in my favorite spot -the best place where ideas usually pop up in my head. What? Where? Ow, you want to know my favorite spot? Well, it's a.. it's a... my bathroom... No, don't laugh! It's not funny. I know a lot of famous writers who get their ideas in the bathroom? Who? I won't tell! Besides, those bathrooms and toilets in the buildings where I worked had really really helped me a lot! They saved me from deadlines! That means from my bosses too who used to scream, "Dev! Article! Deadline!" or "Dev! Next week!" or "Dev! Where is...?" (Geez, come on, guys ...... )
So, I've tried my favorite spot. No luck. I've tried listening to some inspiring songs. I used to play them loudly and then listen to them (with the earphone of course) whenever I got stuck writing. But, still no luck. I was fast asleep with the songs on my ears... What other choices do I have? I can't let my thought wander when I cook, or when I play with Hikari (he'd scream on my ear, and my other ear), or when I read, or when I shop (then I'd buy things I don't need), or when I'm in my Jap class, or when I... Okay, the bottom line is I'm sorry; Sorry guys, for coming here back and forth only to find there's nothing new... :(

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Children Day

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"It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn't."

-Barbara Kingsolver-

to commemorate Children Day (Japan)

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