Monday, June 27, 2005

Mid Year Resolution

1) Gain more weight.
I've lost 4 kilos in 6 months, no thanks to biking, walking, and cooking. My jeans are all bigger than my tummy, so I've got to buy a new one. It's cheaper to gain more weight than to buy new pairs of jeans, no matter how much I actually want to spend some cash on shopping.

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2) Have a hair cut. Forget the earlier resolution.
My 2005 resolution includes maintaining the length of my hair, and it's supposed to be long. I planned to keep my hair long for once in my life. Just wanted to know how it would feel. Now, I consider that reason no good. Besides, this time of the year is totally absolutely wrong to have long hair. It's too hot!

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3) Find a good hair stylist. If possible, the one who speaks English.
If this doesn't work, go to number 4:

4) Buy more hairstyling books. Bring these books to any hairstylist. No need for conversation. No need for English speaking hairstylist. If this doesn't work either, go to number 5:

5) Prepare to buy some artificial hair...

Image hosted by Image hosted by I think I may look good with long hair. Or blond.

6) Cook more. Worry less.
Pretend like I believe this: cooking is no biggy! Cooking failure is just a good reason to shop more!

7) Do something to upgrade the look of my blog.
Learn those codes whose names can't make sense, like html, css, rss, cia, fbi, tni, lia, java, or may be borneo??? This is also another reason to shop for more books.

8) If number 7 doesn't work, cry for help! Never hesitate to cry. People are kind -unlike me. They would be willing to help -unlike me. Even if this number doesn't make sense, just put it in the list. Who expects to follow a resolution, anyway.

9) Think hard to make a short list of resolution which is under 10 numbers. A long one means I've screwed up, although a screwed life means I'm close to God: I've got to pray hard to make everything work... Oh, well...

photos by corbis

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Panas Panas

Manusia emang gak pernah puas. Waktu winter kemaren, gw menjerit-jerit kedingin-bekuan. Sekarang udah mulai summer, n gw megap-megap kepanasan. Image hosted by

Diintip-intip 33 drajat celcius. Image hosted by Di Jakarta biasanya berapa sih?

Padahal kata orang sini, bulan Agustus itu yang paling panas. ck ck ck... Heran juga kenapa gw bisa kepanasan; kan gw orang Jakarta yang identik dengan panas merongos (?) itu. Trus, kita juga menemukan fenomena aneh: ternyata di dalam rumah lebih panas daripada di luar rumah???? Aneh kan? Kayaknya rumah-rumah disini didisain untuk pake ac. Problemnya, ac di apartment gw cuma ada di kamar tidur n kamar tv. Sisanya? Panas pisan! Dapur gw juga gak friendly banget. Kalo winter dapur dingiiiiiin beku. Kalo summer begini, jadi puanasss nas nas! Lagian kan mahal kalo pake ac trus2an. Bisa gak jalan-jalan ke Eropa gw... huahahaha.... Jadinya pula, gw males masak (wekekekekekekek...... ada yg geplak gw dari belakang hehe). Kapan juga gw gak males masak hehehe... Padahal, semua pintu dan jendela udah dibuka lebar-lebar, kecuali pintu depan!

Image hosted by Ternyata lagi, semua tetangga gw juga buka pintu dan jendela rumah mereka. Maka nyebelin banget karena begitu keluar pintu belakang (ke balkon dibelakang) diseberang jalan keliatan dapur-dapurnya orang. Jadi maen intip-intipan lah. Untung disini zero crime. Jadi seharian -I mean really seharian dari pagi sampe pagi lagi, bahkan malem pas kita tidur- semua pintu dan jendela kita buka supaya ada angin masuk. Bahkan kalo kita pergi, cuma pintu depan aja yang dikunci. Sebenernya sih gak dikunci juga gak masalah. Serius! Kita pernah tiga kali ninggalin kunci tergantung di pintu sebelah luar semaleman, n Alhamdulillah gak ada yang perduli. Gak kebayang kalo di Jakarta pas lagi panas-panasnya trus pintu dan jendela dibuka semua..... Apakah yang akan terjadi??? Untungnya lagi disini nyamuk walopun ada tapi jarang banget. Jadi cukuplah menderita kepanasan saja tanpa ditemani nyamuk juga. Kalo kemana-mana, gw tetep pake baju lengan panjang, walopun gak tebel. Soalnya gw gak pengen tambah ireng begitu pulang nanti. Sementara orang-orang disini mulai berbuka-buka. Wah, surga buat para cowok kali ya... Yah begitulah laporan cuaca gw sementara ini. Panas nas nas dan mulai menyiapkan diri untuk hari-hari mendatang yang katanya lebih panas lagi. Image hosted by
photos by Corbis

Monday, June 20, 2005

Hikari was missing

We went to a department store near our apartment this Sunday. We were looking for an aquarium and some fish for Hikari. We spent quite some time in that department store. After we found the aquarium, Papap were heading for the cashier and Hikari was tailing him cheerfully. I turned my back around for a second to see some stationery. Just for a second. I turned my back around again and I only saw Papap at the cashier. I looked around for Hikari because he usually liked to linger at the Lego section near the cashier. But, he was not there! I asked Papap and he thought Hikari was still behind him. We searched the entire toy section for a couple of times and still he was nowhere to be found. Separated by a wall is the groceries section -food, dairy product, things like that. We didn't think Hikari was there because he didn't like being in the groceries section. I thought he might go up the escalator to reach the playground arena upstairs, but Papap didn't think he was brave enough to take the escalator alone. Now, we were in panick! We searched wider area, but still he wasn't seen... God, I was out of breath and scared to death. The tears were on the eyes. But at the moment, I made my self calm by thinking 'Okay we're in Japan. No kidnapper here.' and I tried to believe that my self. A few minutes passed. I began to search for the groceries section when I heard a child's voice screaming and crying. I heard "Mama!" and I ran to that direction! Then a woman -apparently the employee there- appeared carrying Hikari and trying to calm him down. Oh God, I couldn't say a word! Sumimasen, arigato gozaimashita, again and again.
Hikari didn't want to let me go after that. He insisted on being carried by me . It was traumatic for me and my hubby. I've got the feeling that it is even more traumatic for Hikari; He said something like "Ari was looking for Mama." over and over again. He still cries now and then until today if he remembers that incident. He said he followed someone that he thought was me....
I restrained myself for saying I-told-you-so-kind of thing or that's-what-happen-if-you-don't-hold-my-hand-kind of preaches. He got the lesson by himself, so to speak. (He had a book that tells about a little bear named Bruno who got lost in a supermarket because he didn't listen to his mom telling him to stay close. We use the book to teach him how to behave in a supermarket.)
I got my lesson too, but I belive I was lucky. We are in Honjo where people are few and department stores are never crowded. People here are helpful -like that woman whom I owe a lot. I don't want to imagine what ifs. What if it happened in Jakarta??? etcetera etcetera...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

For Better and Worse

For better and worse?
What do you have in mind when you hear that phrase? A good marriage? Taking someone when s/he is unbelievably amazing, and at the same time willing to take someone when s/he is ridiculously screwed up?
Well, actually, these last 3 days, my hubby -who's been with me for 3.5 years, not to mention another 10 years of rather faithful relationship- has had to put up with my worse...

Image hosted by For 3 consecutive days, my cooking sucked!

First, I spoiled my spinach. Second, my fu yung hai turned into scrambled egg. Third, my fish meatballs became... flour balls with no fish taste at all! Then today, my fried noodles became fried noodles porridge!!!
I know that I wasn't born a cook. I had never cooked for all my life before I set foot here in Japan! I know that! But, this is worse! Or worst! 3 days in a row! All this time I've managed to survive the cooking time by continuous persistance on following procedure, meaning I always follow whatever the recipe tells me to do from number one to one hundred, and a talent of being able to identify a delicious food when I eat one. For 5 months, I've managed to cook edible, digestable, nutrious, and tasy food. Although it's not a pro's kind of delicious, it's okay. Edible.

Image hosted by But these 3 days have probably not been digestable, nor tasty! I wish I knew what happened with my spinach. Don't even have any ideas! It just went spoiled! Then, the fu yung hai, the contents: minced beef and leeks are too many. They wouldn't mixed with the eggs! Image hosted by
After that I did a terrible mistake with the fish meatballs -or supposed to be one- because I didn't smoothen the fish meat (?). I just mixed the fish with the flour and all! Image hosted by Image hosted by I didn't know the recipe said anything like gotta smooth the fish, until I finished mixed all the ingredients...
And lastly, this morning, the noodles became half porridge! Image hosted by What happened? I boiled the noodles too long... I was busy playing with Hikari... Image hosted by The taste is actually okay. It's just the noodles are too soft to be called noodles, if you know what I mean.
I wish my hubby can put up with my worse cooking for some time, by remembering the better days earlier. About Hikari? I've successfully taught him not to be fanatic with the taste and shape of food... He can survive!

photos by corbis

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Furusato Flower Park

No plan is the best plan, I say.

Last Sunday June the 5, the sun was shining, the weather was warm. We woke up late -as usual-, had late lunch, and then we wondered what to do next. We've been talking about exploring the city more. I mean, it's more than just going to the campus and shops.

Image hosted by Map of Saitama prefecture. Honjo city is that red Kanji. Tokyo is right below Saitama prefecture.

And we found out another park in Honjo city besides Honjo Sogo Park on the map. It's Furusato park. We'd never been there because it looked far from our apato. Remember: we go everywhere by bike! So, the sun was high already when out of the blue Papap challenged us to go. Then, off we went!

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from our apato...

Hikari was ready with his ball. He was trying to show you the ball, by the way.

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And, after 30 minutes biking, we finally got there!
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the landmark

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some of the flowers

As a flower park, there was not much to see about the flowers, I think, because I expected a park full of flowers. Flowers everywhere! Or perhaps, roses, my fave! It looked just like my garden -if I ever had one- without proper care...
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But, as a park, it is really nice. It's all green because of the trees, and cool because of the small river.

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And the most important thing is Hikari enjoyed the trip and the park. He made friend with a pretty girl, too.

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So, Hikari was busy playing bubbles with Ma-chan, or kicking ball with Papap. Me? I enjoyed the grass so much. Reading a book while lying on the grass is an experience I may not be able to repeat if I'm back in Jakarta :(

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It's just a usual family picnic here in Japan. Wondering if we could do a 'park' picnic backhome... sigh...


(Abdurahman Faiz, 7 Juni 2005)
(untuk adinda: Khaerunisa)
Kesedihan adalah kumpulan layang-layang hitam
yang membayangi dan terus mengikuti
hinggap pada kata-kata
yang tak pernah sanggup kususun
juga untukmu, adik kecil
Belum lama kudengar berita pilu
yang membuat tangis seakan tak berarti
saat para bayi yang tinggal belulang
mati dikerumuni lalat karena busung lapar
: aku bertanya pada diri sendiri
benarkah ini terjadi di negeri kami?
Lalu kulihat di televisi
ada anak-anak kecil
memilih bunuh diri
hanya karena tak bisa bayar uang sekolah
karena tak mampu membeli mie instan
juga tak ada biaya rekreasi
Beliung pun menyerbu
dari berbagai penjuru
menancapi hati
mengiris sendi-sendi diri
sampai aku hampir tak sanggup berdiri
: Sekali lagi aku bertanya pada diri sendiri
benarkah ini terjadi di negeri kami?
Lalu kudengar episodemu adik kecil
Pada suatu hari yang terik
nadimu semakin lemah
tapi tak ada uang untuk ke dokter
atau membeli obat
sebab ayahmu hanya pemulung
kaupun tak tertolong
Ayah dan abangmu berjalan berkilo-kilo
tak makan, tak minum
sebab uang tinggal enam ribu saja
mereka tuju stasiun
sambil mendorong gerobak kumuh
kau tergolek di dalamnya
berselimut sarung rombengan
pias terpejam kaku
Airmata bercucuran
peluh terus bersimbahan
Ayah dan abangmu
akan mencari kuburan
tapi tak akan ada kafan untukmu
tak akan ada kendaraan pengangkut jenazah
hanya matahari mengikuti
memanggang luka yang semakin perih
tanpa seorang pun peduli
: aku pun bertanya sambil berteriak pada diri
benarkah ini terjadi di negeri kami?
Tolong bangunkan aku, adinda
biar kulihat senyummu
katakan ini hanya mimpi buruk
ini tak pernah terjadi di sini
sebab ini negeri kaya, negeri karya.
Ini negeri melimpah, gemerlap.
Ini negeri cinta
Ah, tapi seperti duka
aku pun sedang terjaga
sambil menyesali
mengapa kita tak berjumpa, Adinda
dan kau taruh sakit dan dukamu
pada pundak ini
Di angkasa layang-layang hitam
semakin membayangi
kulihat para koruptor
menarik ulur benangnya
sambil bercerita
tentang rencana naik haji mereka
untuk ketujuh kalinya
Aku putuskan untuk tak lagi bertanya
pada diri, pada ayah bunda, atau siapa pun
sementara airmata menggenangi hati dan mimpi.
: aku memang sedang berada di negeriku
yang semakin pucat dan menggigil.
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photo by corbis

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Cita-cita Hikari

Kalau ditanya, mau jadi apa kalau sudah besar, jawaban Hikari kadang bikin geli. Lagian mami n babenya juga keterlaluan. Anak umur 2 tahun ditanya mau jadi apa... hehe Jadi inget waktu kita kecil: pengen jadi semua yang hebat. Hebat buat anak kecil!

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Hikari punya macem-macem cita-cita. Dia pernah pengen jadi T-Rex karena si dino satu ini paling hebat di film-film dan buku-buku. Trus mau jadi jendral tentara. Ini pasti karena di-brainwash sama eyang-eyangnya.

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Trus jadi pilot, jadi pesawatnya, jadi polisi, jadi mobil ten-wheelers, jadi dokter, jadi supir truk sampah (karena dibukunya, si supir ini bawa truk super gede yang keliatan heboh bener), jadi singa, jadi astronot dan banyak lagi. Yang paling terakhir dan paling lama, dia pengen jadi astronot karena pengen seperti Tom and Jerry yang pergi naek spacecraft ke Mars!?!

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Kalau Eyang seneng Hikari jadi tentara, babe mungkin pengen Hikari jadi pemain bola karena tiap kali ngomongnya pengen nyekolahin Hikari ke sekolah bola. Mami baru tau kalo maen bola aja perlu sekolahan... Kalau mami sih seneng Hikari jadi dokter karena belom ada yang jadi dokter di keluarga kita. Lagian, mami kan penyakitan, jadi... begitulah!

Ngomong-ngomong soal cita-cita, mami sering denger ortu yang pengen anaknya pinter-pinter, bahkan kalo bisa jenius lah. Dari bayi, si anak udah di masukkin sekolah, diajarin ini itu, di stimulasi ini itu. Termasuk mami yang sering beli buku parenting bagaimana menstimulasi anak (bayi) supaya nantinya jadi orang pinter. Tapi suatu kali, mami terharu dan selalu terngiang, waktu denger temen bilang begini: Aku hanya ingin anakku jadi anak yang sholeh...
Duh, then I realize that's what matters most. Aku ingin Hikari jadi orang yang sholeh!

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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Hikariku Botak

"Gak boleeeeehhh!!!!" begitu jawab mami waktu babe bilang mau botakin rambut Hikari. Huhuhu... jadi kayak bgimana anak kesayangan mami nanti. Apalagi babe udah 2 kali gagal motong rambut Hikari: yang pertama poninya kependekan dan yang kedua pinggirnya kependekan. Sekalian aja pake cawan dibalik trus di taro di kepala Hikari n dipotong deh rambut yang gak ketutup cawan :( Rabu pagi kmaren, papap bilang (lagi dan lagi dan lagi selama berhari-hari) mau botakin Hikari... Aaaaaaaaaaarrrggggghhhhhhh... anakku..... Mami menolak dengan keras. Lah, rambut Hikari kan tipis-tipis begitu. Panjangnya juga lama bener. Pertama n terakhir dibotakin itu waktu selapanannya dia. Udah gitu bentar lagi kan Hikari ulang tahun. Apa kata fans nanti?
Tapi papap keukeh. Katanya, sekarang udah mulai panas, jadi biar gak gerah, dipotong botak aja sekalian. Jadilah, mami bernegosiasi. Boleh dipotong pendek tapi gak botak DAN gak boleh dipotong sama babe alias kudu pergi ke tukang cukur. Akhirnya papap setuju. Berduaan (Hikari dan papap maksupnya) mereka jalan ke tukang cukur di belakang rumah. Hikari pun dibekali mami boneka T-Rexnya, untuk pelipur lara di tukang cukur.

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Tukang cukur di belakang rumah. Gedung putih dibalik atap rumah orang. Ada pohon cemara dan tiang barbershop didepannya.

Alhamdulillah, Hikari gak nangis waktu di cukur. Tumben! Karena biasanya dia selalu nangis menyayat hati kalo rambutnya dipotong dan pake segala mukanya diumpetin di badan mami. Tapi, mungkin juga karena faktor sapa yang nyukur... hehehe... malahan dia dikasih Yakult segala selesai potong rambut sama si tukang cukur.
Nah, begitu sampe dirumah, mami liat rambut Hikari... Aduuuuuhhh guantengnya anak mami... (hehehe.. biarpun subjective, anak sendiri ini;p) Jadi pangling nih! Trus Hikari langsung disuruh pose. Begini ini jadinya. Btw, Hikari gak bisa disuruh senyum. Kalo senyum, dia akan meringis begitu. Ini pose udah defaultnya Hikari. Gak bisa diganti?!? Mirip sapa ya???? Keanu Reeves di film Speed, kayaknya... wakakakakak.....

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Hikari and his best friend