Mid Year Resolution
Monday, June 27, 2005 by Mariskova
I've lost 4 kilos in 6 months, no thanks to biking, walking, and cooking. My jeans are all bigger than my tummy, so I've got to buy a new one. It's cheaper to gain more weight than to buy new pairs of jeans, no matter how much I actually want to spend some cash on shopping.
2) Have a hair cut. Forget the earlier resolution.
My 2005 resolution includes maintaining the length of my hair, and it's supposed to be long. I planned to keep my hair long for once in my life. Just wanted to know how it would feel. Now, I consider that reason no good. Besides, this time of the year is totally absolutely wrong to have long hair. It's too hot!
3) Find a good hair stylist. If possible, the one who speaks English.
If this doesn't work, go to number 4:
4) Buy more hairstyling books. Bring these books to any hairstylist. No need for conversation. No need for English speaking hairstylist. If this doesn't work either, go to number 5:
5) Prepare to buy some artificial hair...
I think I may look good with long hair. Or blond.
6) Cook more. Worry less.
Pretend like I believe this: cooking is no biggy! Cooking failure is just a good reason to shop more!
7) Do something to upgrade the look of my blog.
Learn those codes whose names can't make sense, like html, css, rss, cia, fbi, tni, lia, java, or may be borneo??? This is also another reason to shop for more books.
8) If number 7 doesn't work, cry for help! Never hesitate to cry. People are kind -unlike me. They would be willing to help -unlike me. Even if this number doesn't make sense, just put it in the list. Who expects to follow a resolution, anyway.
9) Think hard to make a short list of resolution which is under 10 numbers. A long one means I've screwed up, although a screwed life means I'm close to God: I've got to pray hard to make everything work... Oh, well...
photos by corbis