Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Week in a Woman's life

I woke up in the morning and found myself irritated for no reason.
My body was swollen and I felt sore all over.
The hot shower felt like ice raining on top of my head.
I got ready for work and suddenly I couldn't find the right size of pants. Even the shirt was suddenly a size smaller.
I definitely had a fat day that day, if that was possible for my case.
But I wasn't worried about the fat day.
It was obvious I couldn't make myself eat so why worried about the fat day?
Surely but sure, there were soft knocks in my head.
Then the soft knocks became not-so soft anymore.
And when the knockings became harder, I couldn't do anything but vomit.
There was nothing right about me at all.
I watched myself in the mirror wondering.
What the hell had happened in the previous 6 hours I spent sleeping?
Had I made the Night God upset?
I dragged myself from the bedroom to the car.
It was time to go.
Finding the motivation to go to the office needed a lot of effort.
I still had to go, though.
Because for some, a PMS is just an abbreviation, not a sickness.

May they get worse PMS regardless of gender.


  1. PMS itu bisa sampe seminggu ya mbak?

  2. sakit kepalanya iya, Erma

  3. kalau dah sakit kepala bawaannya ngapain jeung ?

  4. @Mata: tidur, Mata. The only thing I'm capable of doing hehehe

  5. hihihi.. somehow i find your prayer funny. gimana kalo beneran kejadian yaaa?
