Monday, June 29, 2009

First TV Interview

A friend gave my name to SUN TV station when the station was looking for a female figure with certain profiles to be interviewed for their woman program, Aksen. He meant it as a surprise but it was soon discovered that he was no good in keeping secrets. Soon, he informed me about it and the first thing I did was... laughing. Laughing like when you hear something really funny and your first reaction is 'Aw! Get outta here!'

A few weeks after, he called me when I was on my way home from work. Between talking and giggling (you'll never know if a male creature can giggle like he does), he told me somebody from the tv station would call me later. I laughed (again) and said OK. What could they possibly want from me anyway? And then, long story short, they did call. Long story short, I found myself doing an interview for them...

During the filming (being interviewed, walking here and there, posing like this and that), I was grinning all the time. I almost failed to hide my laughs. If I were fair-skinned, I was sure my cheeks were glowing red. And there were my colleagues, other employees, people I didn't know. Oooh, it would take a year to make them forget about it. For me, it was like... 'GOSH, now I know I wasn't born for this'. No wonder life made me a teacher and not an actress, no matter what some experts said that teaching is 90% acting and 10% skills.

Then, the program was aired on Sunday, 28 June, at 4 PM. Just in case you ask, I didn't record the program, but Papap took some pictures (of the tv monitor!). From now on, I will give some respects to those actors who can do things in front of the camera without even a little urge to grin.


  1. pertanyaan gue....
    lo ketawa karena:
    - pertanyaan lucu
    - bingung mo jawab apa
    - biar diliat produser iklan pasta gigi
    - gaya duonks...
    - pengen ajah...


  2. kayaknya temen co lo itu seru ya. LOL

  3. Keren Dep. Ada siaran ulangnya gak? Gw jadi pengen liat nih. Kumaha atuh si Eja teh, bukannya direkam. JK.Rowling-to-be tuh. Hahaha...

  4. Mmm...
    hehehe.. maap klo scriptnya lucu..
    mengarang indah jenk..hehe
    gw juga baru sempet liat bner2 tuh profile hari ini..muuph..
    nt deh gw buatin dvd nya bwt koleksi pribadi..Wuahahaha..
    tnx anw..

  5. Wah keren Deep!! Ini ngga ada streamlinenya di web merekakah? Mo denger dong interviewnya gitu loh.

  6. wuih, keren....masuk tipi

    trus mbak, buku berikutnya? dan kursus nulis buat saya, kapan?

  7. wah... plok plok..maju terus dep...
    habis ini nulis script pilm aja ...
    biar nyaingin Zara Zettira..

  8. teaching is 90% acting and 10% skills.
    ow... really ??

  9. elu ketawanya kenapa geli begitu sih dep? lagi diwawancarai apa lagi dihibur? :p

  10. Thanks, guys, buat selamet-annya, ledekannya, hehehe... Gue emang gak bakat jd artis.

    @Komuter: katanya bgt. Seenggaknya ada 1 int'l expert yg jelas2 bilang bgt di seminar :) Gak tau jg dia bercanda ato bercanda. Anyway, teachers do act in class. They are not allowed to look sad, tired, bored, and all-those-negative-yet-human feelings in front of their students. Don't you think?
