Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just Because You Are What You Are

First, it was her friendly comments.
Then, it was her intelligently witty responds.
After that, it was her caring words.
Finally, it was her heart all over
that makes me
wait for her
at the other end of the connection.

Happy Birthday, Fitri Mohan!
You deserve a great birthday full with a lot of loving wishes.
Just because you are what you are.
With you,
Chemistry has a whole lot different meanings!

still waiting at the corner of that street


  1. Darliiiiiiiiiing, ya ampuuuuuun. You are so kind!!!! Tararengkyu for this post Mak.

    Love you,

  2. eh? mbak fitri ultah? selamaaattt....semoga sehat dan seneng terus, amin :)
    love u, mbak!

    *menuju blognya mbak fitri*
