Die Like Everyone Else
Saturday, November 14, 2009 by Mariskova

How difficult is it to herd the 5000 cows in a vast land to grass?
How difficult is it to sit on the back of a jumping horse in a rodeo?
It turns out it is not as difficult as trying to wear pants with your koteka on.
I just watched a new program called Meet the Natives: USA aired at the National Geographic channel. From the program ad, I'm sure everyone could imagine how interesting this program is. Five tribespeople from Tanna island in South Pacific (Vanuatu) are sent to the USA to taste the life in that superpower country (they claim). I was laughing right from the start of the program to the end. What else should I have reacted when those five people (two of them are the village chief and the medicine man) got confused on how to wear clothes. When they had to wear the pants, they complained because they couldn't insert their koteka-like equipment to the pants. I'm sure you'd have a very difficult time doing it too! Oh, and don't think of taking it off!
These five Tanna men went to Montana first to live with a family of 5. The family own a big land for their 5000 cows. The Tanna men called them Cowboy people.
First, the Tanna men asked, "why do you want to keep 5000 cows for yourself?"
Second, they asked, "why don't you let the cows eat fresh grass instead?"
After that, they asked, "why don't they keep other animals too? Like chickens, or pigs, or goats?"
Then, they asked, "why do you insert drugs (vitamin) to the cows and their food? Won't that make the meat unhealthy to eat?"
On and on they asked questions unthinkable to the farm owner.
When they were given cigarettes to smoke, they asked if it is good to smoke.
The man said it was probably not. He already had cancer once and got chemotherapy for a year.
The Tanna men stared at the lighted cigarette in their hand with worries and incomprehension on their face.
"Why do you keep smoking, then?"
Good question left unanswered.
One Tanna-man asked his chief whether it is better to keep one kind of animals instead of some like what they do in their village.
The chief, a man with no formal education only wisdom, answered the village don't need too many. They should only keep what they need. And they don't need many.
After 5 days in Montana, it was their time to go. The chief was standing at the fence of the big farm looking at the cows and everything.
He said, "A man with a lot of cows, a big land, and a lot of money should now find out the way to live forever. It is such a shame to have a lot of cows, a great farm, and a thick wallet if he dies like everyone else."
Die Like Everyone Else
Forget about God, heaven, or hell. Everybody must die one day. Presidents, kings, queens, celebrities, the riches, and the poors. There is no exception.
We can have all the money in the world, yet we still have to die someday.
We can be in the list of 100 beautiful people in the world for 10 consecutive years, still we will find our heart stop beating someday.
We can be the Nobel-prize-winning head of state, but then we cannot make a deal with the death to make you an exception.
So, by the end of the day, after everything is said and done, we are trully insignificant except for our good deeds.
photo: http://www.ngcasia.com/
dari koteka ke rokok ke properti ke 'death'.... semua emang harus ada ujungnya dan tidak semua harus berawal dari koteka kaaaaan? kalo cewek gimaneeeeeee..... hihihi.
LOL/ Looooove the post. And I put myself in the shoes of the smoker. I would answer: It's the style!!!! LOL
I love the program. In BBC Knowledge there's also a similar one, but they went to the UK.