Here are the pages of my life. The pictures may only show the fun sides of my life for I don't regret any single moment in life. Enjoy the pages! I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do...
-March 7, 2005-
Duh, aku diomelin Pak Dhe dan dicengirin si Nenek. Sumpah, ini aku lagi hiatus. Wong, kompienya dikuasai yang punya... Tapi kalau dia sedang ndak liat... ya, aku samber dulu lah. Dandanin blog dulu lah.
Proud of being an Indonesian, and even prouder of being a mom of a great son. Have a wonderful husband whose feeling of romantism lies in his heart, not his action. Have a big family who can -literally- create one platoon of army (and that's not because of the quantity). Have a bunch of jobs, including a teacher and a writer. Have a long list of wishes, including owning a bookstore, setting up my own school, traveling around the world, and publishing my own books. The only things I don't have in my life are: regrets, and a nice hairstyle!
tes tes komen...
Paaaaap ... Papaaaap ... ada yang nyolong-nyolong pake komputer neeeeh. Kualat trus komennya berhilangan *ngadu mode on ... lariiii*
wah..leot baru nih..heheheh,
pakabarnya dev?