Afraid No More
Wednesday, March 07, 2007 by Mariskova

An announcement was put on the information board.
People gathered in front of that white piece of paper.
Fingers were pointing at dates, and then at names.
Cheers were heard.
A name was mentioned.
A face was screamed at.
"Next week, it's yours!"
I bowed. To them.
From all those names, only one name was lunged out?
I tried to beam.
I tried.
Excitement escaped me.
Skepticism, though, haunted me. It still does.
Simple reasons.
Bad lucks always come to me on that day.
They just happen.
Just my luck.
This week is no exception.
My glass is full.
Yet, water is still poured into it.
Oh, I see bad luck coming. I can even smell it.
I ran to Nenek Remaja and asked for help.
Kill me, I begged.
She comes from water too. She must understand.
I tried to inhale.
And tried to exhale.
I closed my eyes.
Enjoying the killing.
And out of the blue, I got...
a too-early phone call,
a too-early book gift,
a too-early kiss,
and too early cheers.
Tears are running down my face, now.
I feel peaceful.
I feel... I understand.
The early killing made the soul reborn.
The early phone call lifted the black clouds.
The early gift stopped the pouring water.
The early cheers colored my world.
"Come, O, the number 8."
"You may bring your chariot full of bad lucks for I am not afraid anymore."
"I have friends and sunshines. What do you have?"
met ultah nek!! sorry, remindernya kelupaan, jadi guenya lupa!!!
happy birthday!
-kiky si korban banjir-
waduh.. kelewatan lagi.. mahap...mahap... Selamet ultah ya non ...
happy birthday ya say. much love, much love, much love. :D
happy b'day ya tante..
sorry telat...
Waa.. ini toh akhir dari 'pembunuhan' itu.. Semerbak wangi sukma..
MET ULTAH ya Dev.. Mmmmuuahhhh..
All the best..
Met ultah mbak..., sukses dan bahagia selalu :)
happy birthday mariskova. it's nice to meet u.