Tokyo Blues (after Part 1)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 by Mariskova
Out of the room, into the rain
Today we were again ushered out of our room, but this afternoon we already had a plan. We'd like to visit some wellknown districts in Tokyo: Roppongi, Shibuya, Harajuku, you name it. If you want to know why they are considered famous, click here. Outside, the rain was falling. Not too heavy but enough to make us wet. It wasn't comfortable to travel around but we set our heart to it while wishing the rain would stop. Of course it didn't stop. Just like what the weatherman predicted the night before. Don't you hate these weather guys for being so obnoxiously correct all the time? I do.
Although I often feel enough-is-enough with these trains (having to ride them one too many), I know I'd surely miss them when I'm back home. Comfortably convenient, when it is not rush hour. Not for long we arrived in Roppongi, the city of pleasures where you can find Tokyo Hard Rock Cafe -not that it is so important. When I got there, I had the same impression as the first time I visited Ginza two years ago: what's the difference? This place is just the same as the others. What makes it so popular? I guess my imagination is too weird. I kinda imagined that these places are colored differently. Yellow for Shinjuku, Green for Roppongi, Red for Akihabara... It would be like a Disneyland.
Keanu Reeves
Finished with Roppongi and Harajuku (please keep in mind that I didn't meet Agnes Monica in Harajuku), we headed to Shibuya while cancelling our trip to Tokyo Tower. It was still raining and there was no point of going to Tokyo Tower. Honestly, I see no point of going there at all, but Papap insisted that the tower is taller than Monas. Okay. Got that.
In Shibuya station I bumped into a big billboard. Literally-honestly, I really BUMPED into it! I was walking tailing Papap who were trying to locate where we were when suddenly he turned right and left me walked into a wall. I stopped just in time to avoid the collision between my big forehead and the wall. But may be it was meant that way so that I could see before my eyes the wall presented... "Ladies and Gentlemen, the most handsome, the most wanted, the most talented... Keaanuuuu Reeeeeves...."
So, I just........ kissed him.
Today we were again ushered out of our room, but this afternoon we already had a plan. We'd like to visit some wellknown districts in Tokyo: Roppongi, Shibuya, Harajuku, you name it. If you want to know why they are considered famous, click here. Outside, the rain was falling. Not too heavy but enough to make us wet. It wasn't comfortable to travel around but we set our heart to it while wishing the rain would stop. Of course it didn't stop. Just like what the weatherman predicted the night before. Don't you hate these weather guys for being so obnoxiously correct all the time? I do.
Although I often feel enough-is-enough with these trains (having to ride them one too many), I know I'd surely miss them when I'm back home. Comfortably convenient, when it is not rush hour. Not for long we arrived in Roppongi, the city of pleasures where you can find Tokyo Hard Rock Cafe -not that it is so important. When I got there, I had the same impression as the first time I visited Ginza two years ago: what's the difference? This place is just the same as the others. What makes it so popular? I guess my imagination is too weird. I kinda imagined that these places are colored differently. Yellow for Shinjuku, Green for Roppongi, Red for Akihabara... It would be like a Disneyland.
Keanu Reeves
Finished with Roppongi and Harajuku (please keep in mind that I didn't meet Agnes Monica in Harajuku), we headed to Shibuya while cancelling our trip to Tokyo Tower. It was still raining and there was no point of going to Tokyo Tower. Honestly, I see no point of going there at all, but Papap insisted that the tower is taller than Monas. Okay. Got that.
In Shibuya station I bumped into a big billboard. Literally-honestly, I really BUMPED into it! I was walking tailing Papap who were trying to locate where we were when suddenly he turned right and left me walked into a wall. I stopped just in time to avoid the collision between my big forehead and the wall. But may be it was meant that way so that I could see before my eyes the wall presented... "Ladies and Gentlemen, the most handsome, the most wanted, the most talented... Keaanuuuu Reeeeeves...."
So, I just........ kissed him.

ihik ihik ... Keanu
sebenernya saya pengen liat sandra-nya tapi koq serasa bukan yah disituh :))..
btw filmnya bagus tuh, kisah cintanya beda ruang dan waktu gtuh..
hehehe...meleng yah...titip kiss dong buat mas nunu. mmuah..mmuah...
mas nunu aku padamu.
aih aih... Roppongi T_T
pengen kesitu T_T
gue pikir ini postingan masih haru biru kemaren. ternyata ada embel-embel "after"nya.
ampun dahhh, mas keanu dikasih treatment apa ya itu? huahahahaha. tobaaaaaat tobat.