Dear God
Thursday, July 20, 2006 by Mariskova
Dear God,
Today, I have a request.
I know (really) that everyday you always hear me
pray for you, ask for this, and that
as if I were not a man of things already.
But, today,
today is different.
You see, today is my son's fourth birthday.
I'm sure you remember that.
But I cannot give him things.
For I don't know what kind of present gives him heaven.
So, I'm thinking
may be
I can ask You
to lend me the wind, the leaves of every tree, the grass, the sea, the ocean, the water, the rain, the wood, the air...
I will need the leaves of every tree to write all my prayers
for all the papers I have is no longer have space.
I will also need the grass
for I am afraid the leaves will soon no longer be enough.
I will need the sea, the ocean, the rain, all of the water I can think of
to make the ink for my pen
and I will need the wood to make me a pen that will not break.
And I will need the air to fill my lung
as I write my prayers for my son.
And the wind...
if You lend me the wind
the wind will carry those prayers to you.
... then may be...
when You see the wind bringing my prayers.
You will give my son his birthday's present.
For I wish nothing else but
Your love
as his present.

Hikari, thank you for teaching me about love and life.
Today, I have a request.
I know (really) that everyday you always hear me
pray for you, ask for this, and that
as if I were not a man of things already.
But, today,
today is different.
You see, today is my son's fourth birthday.
I'm sure you remember that.
But I cannot give him things.
For I don't know what kind of present gives him heaven.
So, I'm thinking
may be
I can ask You
to lend me the wind, the leaves of every tree, the grass, the sea, the ocean, the water, the rain, the wood, the air...
I will need the leaves of every tree to write all my prayers
for all the papers I have is no longer have space.
I will also need the grass
for I am afraid the leaves will soon no longer be enough.
I will need the sea, the ocean, the rain, all of the water I can think of
to make the ink for my pen
and I will need the wood to make me a pen that will not break.
And I will need the air to fill my lung
as I write my prayers for my son.
And the wind...
if You lend me the wind
the wind will carry those prayers to you.
... then may be...
when You see the wind bringing my prayers.
You will give my son his birthday's present.
For I wish nothing else but
Your love
as his present.

Hikari, thank you for teaching me about love and life.
Wuits..pas lewat, pertama nih daku. Mo ngucapin Happy Birthday buat Hikari!! Smoga panjang umur, sehat selalu, dan jadi kebanggaan mama dan papa ya....:) Eh, ada makan-makannya ga nih??
Happy belated birthday dear Hikari :)
met ultah Hikari.. semoga selalu shalih, sehat, dan tambah pinter ;)
O tanjoubi Omedetou yah Hikari...tambah pinter dan selalu sehat yaaa..salam dari Nabila
Selamat ulang tahun Hikari ... minta mama buat masak yang enak dan banyak saja, nanti dibantuin ngabisinnya ya.
wah si anak pinter ultah yah!.. hepi birthday hikari ;;)! ..
mo kado apah?.. hmm.. cinta ajaH yah :D
met ultah hikari-kun,..ikut mengaminkan doa mama,...
happy birtday sweet Hikari, semoga kelak menjadi imam yang adil. Amin
dear Hikari, hepi besdey ya sayang..semoga sehat selalu,happy, tambah pinter dan jadi anak sholeh, amin 3x
duh..tante terharu baca postingan sweet
happy bday yah...
semoga sehat selalu
Sebenernya gw udah nulis comment di blognya Ari, kok gak keluar je.... kyknya ada yg salah tu, considering i'm not the only one having the problem, dev.
Yo wis, Ari, happy belated b'day dari tante Ully, om Agung, reyhan n adik yukika yaa... Moga2 sukses dunia akhirat. Tahun ini tante ully gak bisa bikin kue ultah buat ari lagi ya, malah bikin buat razan tuh. Moga2 tahun depan kita bisa rayain bareng2 di indonesia yaaa
semoga sehat dan makin bikin papa mama bahagia ya hikari ^o^
Met ultah ya Hikari, semoga selalu jadi anak yang membanggakan orang tua...
happy belated bday yah Hikari Kun, ikut mengaminkan doa mama dan papap...