Me on This Phase of Life
Friday, July 14, 2006 by Mariskova
I'm sure these kinds of feelings are not mine alone. I also mentally know that many people may experience the same thing, but may not have these feelings. Feelings of gratitude, exhausted, happy, thrilled, exploded... because of one thing, and one thing only: this very first experience to be with someone who was finishing a thesis. I mean really be there beside him 24-7. Twenty four-Seven!
I still cannot believe it's over. I feel like screaming my heart out, but can't, because he seems like he needs to scream more than I do.
I was there when he felt depressed, I was there when he felt relieved.
I was there watching him felt exhausted, I was there watching him felt too much.
I was glad, when he was. I was sad, when he was.
Yet, I couldn't be selfish and let out those feelings for he wasn't selfish and didn't let out his feelings. Though I know he would give just about anything to be able to show his feelings just once.
Now, it is all over. It is time to wipe out all the screaming inside, and go dancing instead.
I still cannot believe it's over. I feel like screaming my heart out, but can't, because he seems like he needs to scream more than I do.

I was there when he felt depressed, I was there when he felt relieved.
I was there watching him felt exhausted, I was there watching him felt too much.
I was glad, when he was. I was sad, when he was.
Yet, I couldn't be selfish and let out those feelings for he wasn't selfish and didn't let out his feelings. Though I know he would give just about anything to be able to show his feelings just once.
Now, it is all over. It is time to wipe out all the screaming inside, and go dancing instead.
Maka sesungguhnya bersama dengan kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan -QS. Al-Insyirah: 5-6-
Alhamdulillah ... congrat for you, Papap and Hikari. Time to go home??
alhamdulillaah.. selamat buat Papap dan keluarga ya :)
AlhamduliLLah... wa syukuriLLah
Congrats for the whole family...
congrat ya!...
wah master IT.. kapan atuh kolaborasi ngerjaen proyek gtuh hehehehe....
Eja, Dev and Ari
Selamet atas lulusnya Bung Eja.
Mudah2an bisa cepet2 diamalin ilmunya di negeri tercinta...
Atau malah gak mau balik lagi kesini...
Balik dulu lah ya...kan belom maen ke bogor tuh..hehe
wow...slamet...slamet...congratulation...and celebration...good job papap.
selamat yah Pap..ikutan terharu beneran nih. Undang2 yah kalo ada acara syukuran..hehe..atawa kirim beseknya deh *dah lama nih gak liat besek..:p*
Pap, Devi itu joged2 krn bisa menguasai kompi tuh pap..hahahaa....'s so touchy..diriku nganti mbrebes's meaning being of "garwo" sigaraning nyowo..alhamdulillah..congrat to you all...lama nggak mampir banyak ubek2 dulu...:D
slamed slamed slamed yaah buat Papap dan dirimu juga Mbak Hikari juga, bukan cuma Papap ajah soalnya yang lulus, elo dan Hikari juga lulus sebagai surporter terbaiknya Papap, yeeeeyyy...tinggal menikmati pesta kembang api dan jalan2, mampir2 ke sini yaah yaaah...
berpikir keras, berusaha mencari kata lain dari "selamat". susah, jadi: SELAMAT ya!!! :)